Ticketing Solutions

  • Cinema plan generator tool (creating cinema layout using mass features, seat order definition etc.).
  • Cinema mask and price tool (split cinema to different blocks by seat types and individual prices).
  • Ticketing sales policy.
  • Ticket layout tool (create ticket design for dot-matrix, thermic or high speed BOCA ticket printers).
  • Program (start selling, stop selling, unblocking restriction, reservation deadline, notes, prices etc.).
  • Prepaid coupons, anonymous card, loyalty cards.
  • Film search (by film title, screening code, date, venue, favorites etc.).
  • Card holder info (barcode scan, active/inactive, ticket quotas, tickets history, reservations, bonuses).
  • Unique real time system of sale (directly visible on the screen).
  • Unique “LiveFlex” feature (enables seat types to be changed in real time and dynamically during sale with regard to the actual ticket demand enabling far greater flexibility and increasing sales).
  • Automatic tracking and control of cardholder ticket quotas, special passes and promotion discounts.
  • Shopping basket.
  • Cancel ticket tool (keeps track of all changes).
  • Discounts.
  • Reservation tool.
  • Standby ticket.
  • TV info (real time selling status distributed over TV signal – box offices, hotels, public places).
  • Venue access control.
  • Voting system.
  • Reports (online).
  • Online ticketing (film guide, screening info, credit card payment, highlights, my diary etc.).

Online and in real time

  • The DataKal Ticketing System is a powerful fully integrated, real-time online ticketing and booking system.
  • It ensures that management has up-to-date information required to make crucial decisions and allows staff to concentrate on their primary customer oriented tasks.

Box office in Sarajevo 2009

Box office in Greece 2009

Directly linked to Programme and Hospitality

The main advantage of the DataKal Ticketing above other independent ticketing programs is that it has direct access to data already stored in DataKal, such as guest and visitor details, cardholder quotas, programme details, related statistics and all changes are automatically tracked and updated.

For the festival this means that errors and losses are reduced to a minimum, workflow is far more efficient and the time taken for preparation is significantly reduced.

The module is designed to maximising ticket sales and minimise queues ensuring customer satisfaction.

Internet Sales – Credit Card Gateway

Internet ticket sales is increasingly an invaluable additional sales channel and our web sales add-on integrates seamlessly into the Ticketing Module. All sales transactions and ticket allocations take place in real-time within the Ticketing database. No data transfer or uploading is required and internet sales will never oversell or undersell any event. The customer web view can be simple or allow seat choice. It is integrated with the DataKal online catalogue and schedule. When tickets are purchases over the internet using the Credit Card Gateway, they can be delivered by sms, e-mail or collect at any box office.

Security Levels

DataKal Ticketing has access and password control so that front line staff cannot gain access to areas that are part of ticket sales management. Security levels help to minimise fraud and ensure that inexperienced staff do not tamper with settings and inadvertently cause problems. All user actions are fully audited.


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One World Film Festival

This year we implemented VoD platform for festival One World. System allow upload online screeners and also DCP masters and fully automatically building videolibrary. These are streamed online and also at video library room.

DataKal StarBase representatives at the Berlinale 2018

DataKal StarBase, the comprehensive software solution for film festivals, represented by Pavel Kalenda & Kalenda Systems, will be available at Berlinale International Film Festival 2017, February 12 - 15. We will be happy to meet you and tell you more about our products! To arrange a meeting, please send us email to info@kalendasoft.com or call us on +420 602 273 948.


Probably first festival in the world using RFID chips for accreditation and ticketing. Platform is very easy for scanning and managing tickets and access to the venues. In combination of new ticketing rules was a great solution for an event where is hi demand for tickets.

MIA Market

MIA Market platform was changed into new design and implement 7 different online application forms, accreditation system, payment, hotel platform. Unique access control was developed for industry screenings and Sales get online in formation about their visitors.


Miami International Film FestivalMiami International Film Festival
Dominik centrum s.r.o., Pilsen, Czech RepublicDominik centrum s.r.o., Pilsen, Czech Republic

All references